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OpenAI Expert Model Trainer
· Remote
$210 /hour
Legal Intelligence Analyst
· Remote
$90 /hour
Medical Intelligence Analyst
· Remote
$130 /hour
Updated just now

Globalizing opportunity

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Mercor allows you to interview from wherever you are and receive job opportunities from anywhere in the world.
Mercor AI
Hi, welcome to the Mercor interview! hi
I'm glad we could find 20 minutes to chat hi
I'm super excited to learn more about you hi
Let's start with introductions of ourselves hi
Does that sound good to you? hi
Great! I'd love to hear about your work hi
What are you looking for in your next role? hi
Do you have any questions about Mercor? hi
I appreciate your time and insights so far hi
Let's discuss some of the technical aspects hi
How do you stay updated with latest trends? hi
What's your preferred work environment? hi
Thank you for sharing your experiences hi
I've really enjoyed our conversation today hi
I have a few companies where you'd be great hi
We'll be in touch soon... hi
Thanks again for your time, have a great day! hi

Intelligence engineering

Work at the frontier of AI development

Solve complex problems
in your area of expertise. Expand your knowledge and let your creativity and brilliance shine.
Earn top 1% pay
at companies predominantly in Silicon Valley. Mercor partners directly with many of the most exciting companies in the world.
Innovative research
in the future of AI intelligence. Pioneer best-in-class approaches for developing advanced model capabilities.
Career reinvention

Opportunities beyond borders

Gain exposure to life-changing opportunities leveraging the best AI talent prediction model in the world.
Mercor uses AI to understand your skills, experiences, and strengths. Then get placed with companies
looking for your exact background and abilities.

Increase in annual salary
Hours saved of job searching
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Companies viewed his Mercor profile
Hours of interview practice guidance
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