Privacy Policy

Mercor Worker Privacy Policy

At Mercor, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users' personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and share data provided by individuals ("Workers") who use our platform to connect with potential employers and perform services. By using the Mercor platform and agreeing to our Terms of Service, you acknowledge and consent to the data practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Data Usage and Sharing

  • Worker acknowledges that their data, including interview recordings, transcriptions, resumes, and other information shared through the Mercor platform, may be sent to external services for evaluation purposes. This includes sharing data with third-party large language model providers to assess candidate interviews.
  • Images from the Worker's interview may be used to generate high-quality, professional photos displayed to potential employers alongside their profile. This process may involve sending image data to third-party APIs.
  • User data may be utilized to improve the quality of Mercor's models. For example, a selection of interviews may be used in a dataset to train models for talent evaluation.
  • User data, including resumes, AI interviews, salary expectations, and other information shared through the platform, will be accessible to companies hiring through Mercor. Occasionally, Mercor may also surface relevant information about the Worker from external websites where they maintain a profile.

By using the Mercor platform and agreeing to these terms of service, the Worker acknowledges that their data will be collected, used, and shared as described in the "Data Usage and Sharing" section above. Mercor reserves the right to use and share the Worker's data for the purposes outlined in this agreement. If the Worker wishes to have their data deleted from Mercor's systems, they may submit a request through the relevant support channels provided by Mercor. Mercor will comply with such requests in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. However, the Worker understands that certain data may be retained for legal, regulatory, or business purposes, even after a deletion request has been processed.